
Category : Live Music

24 Jan 2014
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Dave Alvin @ The Great American Music Hall

22 Jan 2014
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A Talent for Mischeif @ The Hotel Utah Saloon

16 Apr 2012
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Albert Garrett & The Bad Romantics

19 Feb 2012
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Nate Picard

09 Feb 2012
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Whitney Houston’s Final Performance

08 Feb 2012
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Roman Candle Wars

24 Jan 2012
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Elitist & Volumes

18 Dec 2011
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December to Remember 2011

15 Dec 2011
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The Watering Hole

December 2011 is turning out to be a great month for music in Hollywood, especially at my local watering hole, The Piano Bar.  And Thursday, December 15th, was no exception.  The decor, now all holidayed out, complete with a holiday bush center stage where the drums are usually are; made for a tight fit. The incestuous night of music started off with Blade, Noah Engh sitting in on the lap steel which he had teased us with the Sunday prior. […]

11 Dec 2011
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BBQ & Blues

Every Sunday the Piano Bar in Hollywood hosts a free BBQ with stellar live music. Hot dogs, chicken, burgers, its always good, especially lately with the weather cooling off. Noah Engh, and Jason Achilles Mezilis sit in for Austin Hanks and the Kalifornia King Snakes, for a 3 hour set that starts off reasonably sober. Noah on the guitar, switching off from acoustic to electric, and teasing us by artfully placing his lap steel in plain view. Jason, tickling the […]