
The Watering Hole

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December 2011 is turning out to be a great month for music in Hollywood, especially at my local watering hole, The Piano Bar.  And Thursday, December 15th, was no exception.  The decor, now all holidayed out, complete with a holiday bush center stage where the drums are usually are; made for a tight fit. The incestuous night of music started off with Blade, Noah Engh sitting in on the lap steel which he had teased us with the Sunday prior. Kenny D. was on drums along with Mike Hayes filling in on bass. Blade was followed by Noah Engh and his trio with Tom French on stand-up bass, and Scotty Lund on drums; Jason decided to pop in and finger the ivories for a bit. Noah’s voice was not it’s usual stellar self, it was BETTER! Hoarse from a set he played in the OC the week prior where his mic decided it wouldn’t cooperate, so he made due by duct taping a traffic cone to the mic stand and screamed his ass off to the dinner crowd. The night finished up with Mike Hayes playing acoustic and electric guitar and Kenny D. back on drums.