A Manual of the Collodion Photographic Process - Glass Bath


Part 1

Part 2


Glass Bath

The glass bath I have alluded to is thus contrived :

Two pieces of plate glass are cemented together at the sides and bottom. It tapers gradually from the top downwards, so as to form a wedge-shaped bath: consequently, when the prepared glass plate is. immersed in it, the lower end of the glass comes nearly in contact with the bottom of the front glass of the bath; so that if the prepared plate, after touching the bottom of the bath, be pushed forward in the liquid, it necessarily comes in contact with the whole inner surface of the front glass of the bath. It will, therefore, be perceived that, by adjusting the bath frame in the camera to the same distance as the ground glass frame, the correct focus will be obtained, and the bath, with the iodized film in it, can be put into the sliding frame; the refracted image from the lens consequently strikes upon the film through the front glass.